Monday, April 23, 2007

Looking for R.J. Abercrombie

We are trying to reach R. J. Abercrombie. We have lost his contact information and need to talk with him. He may contact us through the web site.

Thank you,


Sunday, April 8, 2007

Bid for Spaceport

In recent months, NASA has spent a lot of time in the general Caballo Mountains area. They have been moving forward with a plan to construct a large spaceport in the area that would accomodate the largest air and spacecraft (including those yet to be built). Richard Branson of Virgin has been a driving force behind this project. Here is an article on the Spaceport's most recent snag (or snags)

Spaceport article

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Injunction Against the Bureau of Land Management

Many people have asked about the status of our ongoing battle with the BLM office out of Las Cruces, New Mexico. Perhaps out of all the bits of evidence for a major treasure find, this one stands out the most. Many of you may be questioning the validity of this site, this story, and this treasure. If you need further proof, then ask yourself this question:

Why would the BLM expend time and resources attempting to block the recovery of something that wasn't there?

A statement from Nick Fleming:

"We are planning in the very near future to be going into Federal Court in Albuquerque, New Mexico to get an injunction against the BLM office in Las Cruces, New Mexico. The injunction will block any further problems with the Las Cruces BLM office who believe that they are the only ones that can allow us to take the treasure trove out of the ground. The Las Cruces Office of the BLM has been fighting us tooth and nail to prevent us from recovering the treasure trove, under the auspice of jurisdiction and red tape.

The court action will be bring out facts that the Las Cruces Office of the BLM is in fact on a treasure hunting trip. Several years ago they ran tests on the Tesoro Del Alma site and told us that we had in fact found the treasure and that was when our problems with the Las Cruces BLM started. The Las Cruces BLM has tried everything within their power to prevent us from recovering the treasure and they have even allowed other people to try and over ride our claim which we have continued to pay the mining fees on and have them paid upto date every year as is evidenced by 10 years of claim filings exhibited on the web site pages."

Friday, March 2, 2007

Site Updates!

We're pleased to announce some updates to the site!

- The Evidence section now contains 14 photographs

- The Legend section now contains six pages of content and timelines

Please feel free to send us feedback.

All the best,

The Tesoro Del Alma Staff

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

A New Look

Welcome to Tesoro Del Alma online! If this is your first time visiting, be sure you have some time to visit and share in our excitement over the Tesoro Del Alma treasure. You are about to learn about a true treasure story which gets more exciting every day.

You may be asking the obvious questions - is this real? If so, is this more than a handful of old coins? The answer to both is an emphatic "Yes!" The magnitude of the Tesoro Del Alma treasure trove in absolutely unparalleled in history, and soon may be fully recovered after decades of research, searching, and going through the legal hoops necessary to recover the treasure correctly. No legal precedent existed for much of this project, and the recovery team has spent years working with a Washington D.C. federal judge to do things correctly.

Our new site represents the turning of a new leaf in a story that reaches back over 300 years, to the time when the Spanish Conquistadores controlled much of the trading and commerce that took place in the southwestern United States. For more information, please read about the story here.

Keep visiting, new developments are rapidly approaching, along with the addition of exciting content proving the existence of a large cache of gold and silver buried in caverns in the Caballo Mountains, known as the Tesoro Del Alma treasure!